Thursday, October 23, 2008

The goal of this series of blogs is to bring insight into how I (a non-programmer) armed with a book, “Everyday Script With Ruby”, a sensi/developer friend, and an insatiable appetite to feed my inner geek was able to build an awesome Watir script to test a web-based security application for my current employer.  I hope you come along for the ride.



Getting Started:  Ruby


Most companies are turning to the web for creating applications to solve today’s business needs (including my employer).  The web isn’t going anywhere which is why I decided that the web will be the domain that I will focus on with regards to strengthening my technical kung fu. 

 As I stated in a previous blog, I truly believe that QA people have to be just as technical as the people developing the application.  That said, with the help of my developer buddy, thanks Bob, I’ve decided that Ruby would be a new and progressive programming language for me to learn.  For automated testing of web applications, there is a Ruby library called Watir (Web Application Testing In Ruby) that allows you to test the functionality of a web app.